January 10, 2014
Posted in: News
By: Gerson

GERSON LAW FIRM APC has begun to celebrate its 21st anniversary year.

GERSON LAW FIRM began in 1994 with a primary focus to engage in all aspects of commercial real estate finance. While the firm provides expertise in general business and real estate, it has not veered from its emphasis on representing lenders, which has included the nation’s largest banks, life insurance companies, CMBS lenders, and private funds, as well as individuals. GERSON LAW FIRM led pioneering efforts of commercial real estate credit union lending in San Diego, and continues to represent credit unions throughout California. Its lending practice has spanned border to border throughout the United States, including engagements in Alaska and Hawaii. Today the law firm has 7 lawyers.

From its earliest beginnings GERSON LAW FIRM has had a major focus on creditor rights litigation. It has maintained a large creditor rights litigation practice locally and throughout all regions of the United States, which has included representing not only banks, private funds, and individuals, but also some of the largest loan servicers in the country.

“We are a boutique law firm providing more than just results,” said Gordon L. Gerson, managing principal. “We are relationship driven.”

Among 21st year celebration events include GERSON LAW FIRM sponsoring for the first time Crittenden real estate conferences including its national multifamily lending conference in March in Dallas and its national finance conference in May. The firm also intends to sponsor a credit union summit on commercial real estate lending later this year.